# About acme-updater is a tool that takes care of automatically replacing Let's Encrypt SSL certificates maintained by acmetool. It replaces the certificates, takes care of restarting the services and optionally writes TLSA records. The following services are currently supported: * apache2 * postfix * dovecot * ejabberd Current development is focused on Debian 8 jessie with sysvinit because that's what I use mysel. It might be extended to support other distributions or init systems in the future. ## Usage TBD ## Dependencies acme-updater is developed for python 3.x. It might work on older versions but this is not supported. Additionally, the following python modules are required: * pyOpenSSL * dnspython ## COPYING This software is published under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 2. ## CONFIGURATION TBD ## INSTALLATION Use the setup.py to perform the installation, this requires the setuptools module.