# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2023 Helmut Pozimski # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ Contains the apache module which takes care of maintaining the apache 2 SSL certificates. """ import logging import os import datetime import subprocess from amulib import helpers import OpenSSL LOGGER = logging.getLogger("acme-updater") def run(config=None, acme_dir="/var/lib/acme", named_key_path="/run/named/session.key", dns_server="localhost"): """ Main method of the apache module, actually replaces the certificates, manages the service and writes TLSA records if necessary. :param config: configuration for the module. :type config: dict :param acme_dir: path to the acme state dir :type acme_dir: str :param named_key_path: path to the named session.key :type named_key_path: str :param dns_server: DNS server to use to create TLSA records :type dns_server: str """ cert_renewed = False parsed_vhosts = [] if config: vhosts_dir = config["vhosts_dir"] tlsa = config["tlsa"] exclude_vhosts = config["exclude_vhosts"] tlsa_exclude = config["tlsa_exclude"] else: # Default parameters based on best guesses vhosts_dir = "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled" tlsa = False exclude_vhosts = [] tlsa_exclude = [] for vhost in os.listdir(vhosts_dir): if vhost.endswith(".conf") and vhost not in exclude_vhosts: vhost_absolute = os.path.join(vhosts_dir, vhost) with open(vhost_absolute, "r") as vhost_file: parsed_vhosts.extend(helpers.parse_apache_vhost(vhost_file)) for entry in parsed_vhosts: try: with open(entry[1], "r") as cert_file: cert_text = cert_file.read() except IOError: LOGGER.error("Error while opening cert file %s ", entry[1]) else: x509_current_cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_text) if "Let's Encrypt" in x509_current_cert.get_issuer().__str__(): acme_cert_path = os.path.join(acme_dir, "live", entry[0], "fullchain") try: with open(acme_cert_path, "r") as acme_cert_file: acme_cert_text = acme_cert_file.read() except IOError: LOGGER.error("Could not open certificate for %s in acme " "state directory", entry[0]) else: x509_acme_cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, acme_cert_text ) expiry_date = \ x509_acme_cert.get_notAfter().decode("utf-8") expiry_datetime = helpers.parse_asn1_time(expiry_date) if expiry_datetime < datetime.datetime.utcnow(): LOGGER.warning( "Certificate for %s is expired and no newer " "one is available, bailing out!", entry[0]) else: serial_current_cert = \ x509_current_cert.get_serial_number() serial_acme_cert = x509_acme_cert.get_serial_number() if serial_current_cert == serial_acme_cert: LOGGER.debug("Cert for %s matches with the one " "installed, nothing to do.", entry[1]) else: if tlsa: for domain in entry[3]: if domain not in tlsa_exclude: helpers.create_tlsa_records( domain, "443", x509_acme_cert, named_key_path, dns_server) if helpers.copy_file(acme_cert_path, entry[1]): acme_key_path = os.path.join(acme_dir, "live", entry[0], "privkey") if helpers.copy_file(acme_key_path, entry[2]): LOGGER.info( "Successfully renewed cert for %s", entry[0]) cert_renewed = True else: LOGGER.error( "Renewal of cert for %s failed, " "please clean up manually and " "check the backup files!", entry[0]) else: LOGGER.error("Renewal of cert for %s failed, " "please clean up manually and " "check the backup files!", entry[0]) if cert_renewed: LOGGER.debug("Checking apache configuration") try: subprocess.check_call(["/usr/sbin/apache2ctl", "-t"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOGGER.error("Error in apache configuration, will not restart the " "web server") else: try: subprocess.check_call(["/etc/init.d/apache2", "restart"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: LOGGER.error("Apache restart failed!") else: LOGGER.info("Apache restarted successfully")