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Implemented most of the necessary functionality in the database module and added some exceptions.

Helmut Pozimski il y a 10 ans
2 fichiers modifiés avec 125 ajouts et 7 suppressions
  1. 99 7
  2. 26 0

+ 99 - 7

@@ -85,16 +85,108 @@ class db:
         # fill the weekdays table with the existing 7 days of the week,
         # these are always hardcoded
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (1, 'undefined', 'Monday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (1, 'undefined', 'Monday');")
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (2, 'undefined', 'Tuesday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (2, 'undefined', 'Tuesday');")
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (3, 'undefined', 'Wednesday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (3, 'undefined', 'Wednesday');")
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (4, 'undefined', 'Thursday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (4, 'undefined', 'Thursday');")
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (5, 'undefined', 'Friday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (5, 'undefined', 'Friday');")
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (6, 'undefined', 'Saturday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (6, 'undefined', 'Saturday');")
         self.__ExecuteStatement("INSERT INTO weekdays (day_id, alarm_time, "
-                                "name) VALUES (7, 'undefined', 'Sunday')")
+                                "name) VALUES (7, 'undefined', 'Sunday');")
+    def FetchCategoryId(self, category_name):
+        """Fetches the id of a category with a given name from the database
+        and returns it.
+        """
+        query = "SELECT category_id FROM categories WHERE name=?;"
+        result = self.__ExecuteQuery(query, (category_name,))
+        category_id = result.fetchone()
+        try:
+            return int(category_id[0])
+        except TypeError:
+            raise jwmu_exceptions.CategoryNotFound()
+    def ChangeAlarmTimeWeekdays(self, alarm_time, start=None, end=None, day=None):
+        """Changes the alarm time either for a single day or a range of days,
+        like 1-5 for regular work days or 6-7 for week end. What mode is
+        chosen depends on the parameters defined when the function is called.
+        """
+        statement = "UPDATE weekdays SET alarm_time = ? WHERE day_id = ?;"
+        if day is not None:
+            self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (alarm_time, day))
+        elif start is not None and end is not None:
+            for day in range(start, end+1):
+                self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (alarm_time, day))
+        else:
+            raise jwmu_exceptions.WrongParameters()
+    def CreateCategory(self, category_name):
+        """Inserts a new category into the database and returns the newly
+        assigned category id.
+        """
+        statement = "INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES (?);"
+        self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (category_name,))
+        category_id = self.FetchCategoryId(category_name)
+        return category_id
+    def DeleteCategory(self, category_id):
+        """Deletes a category with the given ID from the database."""
+        statement = "UPDATE alarmdays SET category=NULL WHERE category = ?;"
+        self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (category_id,))
+        statement = "DELETE FROM categories WHERE category_id = ?;"
+        self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (category_id,))
+    def InsertDay(self, date, alarm_time, category_id=None):
+        """Inserts an additional day with the given parameters and optionally
+        a category into the database.
+        """
+        try:
+            if category_id is not None:
+                statement = "INSERT INTO alarmdays (date, alarm_time, category) " \
+                            "VALUES (? , ?, ?);"
+                self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (date, alarm_time, category_id))
+            else:
+                statement = "INSERT INTO alarmdays (date, alarm_time) VALUES " \
+                            "(?, ?);"
+                self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (date, alarm_time))
+        except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
+            raise jwmu_exceptions.DayAlreadyInDatabase()
+    def ModifyAlarmTime(self, date, alarm_time):
+        """Changes the alarm time for a given day in the database."""
+        statement = "UPDATE alarmdays SET alarm_time = ? WHERE date = ?;"
+        self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (alarm_time, date))
+    def DeleteDay(self, date):
+        """Deletes a specified day from the database."""
+        statement = "DELETE FROM alarmdays WHERE date = ?;"
+        self.__ExecuteStatement(statement, (date,))
+    def FetchDays(self):
+        """Retrieves a list of all the days with their corresponding
+        categories from the database.
+        """
+        query = "SELECT date, alarmdays.alarm_time, name FROM alarmdays LEFT " \
+                "JOIN categories ON alarmdays.category=categories.category_id;"
+        result = self.__ExecuteQuery(query).fetchall()
+        return result
+    def FetchWeekDays(self):
+        """Retrieves a list of all the week days and their alarm times from
+        the database.
+        """
+        query = "SELECT * FROM weekdays;"
+        result = self.__ExecuteQuery(query).fetchall()
+        return result

+ 26 - 0

@@ -30,3 +30,29 @@ class DataBaseWriteFailed(Exception):
     def __str__(self):
         return self.__message
+class WrongParameters(Exception):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__message = "The wrong number or values of parameters where " \
+                         "given to the function, the requested action failed."
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__message
+class CategoryNotFound(Exception):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__message = "The category could not be found in the database."
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__message
+class DayAlreadyInDatabase(Exception):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__message = "This day already exists in the database."
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__message