#! /usr/bin/env python3 """ This script checks for available updates on Void Linux using xbps and notifies the configured administrator account about them. It currently requires python 3.x and no additional packages and is supposed to be run with cron or another scheduled execution mechanism. """ import subprocess import smtplib import socket import re import logging import sys from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText __version__ = "0.2" # Email server to be used to send the notification ADMIN_EMAIL = "root" # Mail server to be used to send the notification MAIL_SERVER = "localhost" # Port to use on the mail server MAIL_SERVER_PORT = 25 # User name to log in to the mail server MAIL_SERVER_USER = "" # Password to log in to the mail server MAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD = "" # Log level for the stderr/stdout output LOG_LEVEL = logging.ERROR AVAILABLE_UPDATES = [] DEVNULL = open("/dev/null", "w") LOGGER = logging.getLogger("voixicron") LOGGER.setLevel(LOG_LEVEL) CONSOLE_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler() LOGGER.addHandler(CONSOLE_HANDLER) try: XBPS_INSTALL_RESULT = subprocess.check_output(["xbps-install", "-Sun"], stderr=DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: LOGGER.error("Could not get list of updated packages, xbps-install error:" " %s", error.output) sys.exit(1) else: XBPS_INSTALL_RESULT = XBPS_INSTALL_RESULT.decode("utf-8").split("\n") for line in XBPS_INSTALL_RESULT: if "update" in line: try: package = line.split(" ")[0] package_regex = "^([A-Za-z0-9-._+]*)-([0-9].*_[0-9]*)$" match_object = re.match(package_regex, package) if match_object: package_name = match_object.groups()[0] new_package_version = match_object.groups()[1] else: LOGGER.error("Not match for package %s", package) continue except IndexError: continue else: try: xbps_query_result = subprocess.check_output( ["xbps-query", "--show", package_name], stderr=DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: LOGGER.debug("Querying the installed version of package %s" " failed with error message: %s", package_name, error.output) else: xbps_query_result = xbps_query_result.decode( "utf-8").split("\n") for line in xbps_query_result: if "pkgver" in line: installed_package = line.split( ":")[1].strip() match = re.match(package_regex, installed_package) if match: installed_package_version = match.groups()[1] package_update = { "name": package_name, "new_version": new_package_version, "old_version": installed_package_version, } else: LOGGER.error("Unable to detect installed " "version of package %s", package_name) package_update = { "name": package_name, "new_version": new_package_version, "old_version": "unknown", } AVAILABLE_UPDATES.append(package_update) break if AVAILABLE_UPDATES: HOSTNAME = socket.getfqdn() MSG = MIMEMultipart() MAIL_TEXT = "The following package updates are available on host %s:\n\n"\ % HOSTNAME MSG["Subject"] = "%s updates available on host %s"\ % (len(AVAILABLE_UPDATES), HOSTNAME) MSG["From"] = "voixicron@%s" % HOSTNAME MSG["To"] = ADMIN_EMAIL for update in AVAILABLE_UPDATES: MAIL_TEXT += "%s (%s -> %s)\n"\ % (update["name"], update["old_version"], update["new_version"]) MAIL_TEXT += "\n\nYou can install the updates by issuing the command:" \ "\n\n\txbps-install -Su\n\nas root on %s\n\n--\nvoixicron"\ % HOSTNAME MSG_TEXT = MIMEText(MAIL_TEXT.encode("utf-8"), _charset="utf-8") MSG.attach(MSG_TEXT) SERVER_CONNECTION = smtplib.SMTP(MAIL_SERVER, MAIL_SERVER_PORT) try: SERVER_CONNECTION.connect() except (smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected, socket.error): LOGGER.error("Failed to establish a connection to the SMTP server") else: try: SERVER_CONNECTION.starttls() except smtplib.SMTPException: pass if MAIL_SERVER_USER: try: SERVER_CONNECTION.login(MAIL_SERVER_USER, MAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD) except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: LOGGER.error("Authentication on the mail server with user %s " "failed.", MAIL_SERVER_USER) except smtplib.SMTPException: LOGGER.error("Error during authentication on the mail server.") try: SERVER_CONNECTION.sendmail("voixicron@%s" % HOSTNAME, ADMIN_EMAIL, MSG.as_string()) except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused: LOGGER.error("The mail server refused the recipient.") except smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused: LOGGER.error("The mail server refused the sender.") else: SERVER_CONNECTION.quit() DEVNULL.close()