# About stdd (short for "simple time display daemon") is a handy little daemon for the Raspberry PI device that can be used to display the current time on a 7 segment display with a HT16K33 backpack from Adafruit Industries. It makes heavy use of the python libraries published by Adafruit to control the display via I2C. ## USAGE see ./stdd ## Dependencies stov depends on the following software to be installed: * python 3.0 or higher (2.x versions might work but are deprecated) * python-pcrtl (optional) * Adafruit-LED-Backpack module from pypi ## COPYING see LICENSE ## Configuration hw_address: hardware address for your display, a common value is "0x70" use i2cdetect to find yours if it doesn't match blink_colon: define if you want the middle colon to blink, 0 = off, 1 = on brightness_high: value used for "high" brightness, valid values are 0-15 brightness_low: value used for "low" brightness, valid values are 0-15 set_brightness_low: time of the day to change the brightness from high to low set_brightness_high: time of the day to change the brightness from low to high syslog_level: maximum syslog level to log, stdd uses debug, info and error syslog_facility: syslog facility to use for logging (default: user, can also be daemon) ## Known issues None yet ## Installation see INSTALL