stdd.1 3.0 KB

  1. .TH STDD 1 "28 July, 2013" 0.9 stdd
  2. .SH NAME
  3. stdd \- a daemon to display the current time on a 7 segment display
  5. .B "stdd"
  6. [
  7. .B "-d/--daemon"
  8. ] [
  9. .B -u/--user
  10. user name ] [
  11. .B -g/--group
  12. group name ]
  13. .B -c/--config
  14. configuration file
  16. stdd (short for "simple time display daemon") is a handy little daemon for
  17. the Raspberry PI device that can be used to display the current time on a
  18. 7 segment display with a HT16K33 backpack from Adafruit Industries. It
  19. makes heavy use of the python libraries published by Adafruit to control
  20. the display via I2C.
  22. .TP
  23. .B "-d --daemon"
  24. run the program in daemon mode which means, it will detach from the shell and run in background
  25. .TP
  26. .BI "-u --user " "user name"
  27. instructs stdd to drop privileges and run with the privileges of the defined user. Please note that stdd nees to be started as root for this to work and the user (or his primary group) needs to be able to access the i2c device.
  28. .TP
  29. .BI "-g --group " "group name"
  30. instructs stdd to drop privileges and run with the privileges defined user. Please note that stdd nees to be started as root for this to work and the group needs to be able to access the i2c device.
  31. .TP
  32. .BI "-c --config " "configuration file"
  33. define the path to your stdd configuration file. This is usually needed to start the program in both modes.
  34. .TP
  35. .BI "--version"
  36. print version information and exit.
  38. .TP
  39. .B stdd -c /etc/stdd.conf
  40. minimal example using the default configuration file
  41. .TP
  42. .B stdd -c /etc/stdd.conf -u i2cuser -g i2c -d
  43. start with the privileges of user i2cuser, group i2c and run as daemon
  45. The following options can and should be set in the configuration file:
  46. .P
  47. HW_ADDRESS: hardware address for your display, a common value is "0x70" use i2cdetect to find yours if it doesn't match
  48. .P
  49. BLINK_COLON: define if you want the middle colon to blink, 0 = off, 1 = on
  50. .P
  51. BRIGHTNESS_HIGH: value used for "high" brightness, valid values are 0-15
  52. .P
  53. BRIGHTNESS_LOW: value used for "low" brightness, valid values are 0-15
  54. .P
  55. SET_BRIGHTNESS_LOW: value used for "low" brightness, valid values are 0-15
  56. .P
  57. SET_BRIGHTNESS_HIGH: time of the day to change the brightness from low to high
  58. .P
  59. SYSLOG_LEVEL: maximum syslog level to log, stdd uses debug, info and error
  60. .P
  61. SYSLOG_FACILITY: syslog facility to use for logging (default: user, can also be daemon)
  62. .SH FILES
  63. .TP
  64. .B /etc/stdd.conf
  65. the default path to the configuration file
  66. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  67. .TP
  68. .B
  69. Adafruit tutorial for attaching a display to the Raspberry PI and using the library
  70. .TP
  71. .B Adafruit
  72. sample code used in this project
  73. .SH AUTHOR
  74. Helmut Pozimski
  76. 2013, Helmut Pozimski, 3-Clause BSD license
  77. .P
  78. some parts written by Limor Fried, Kevin Townsend and Mikey Sklar for Adafruit Industries
  79. .P
  80. please look at the license header in the files for details