Changelog 11 KB

  1. 2017-01-08 Helmut Pozimski <>
  2. fixed display initialization
  3. fixed errors in the shutdown sequence of the daemon
  4. 2016-12-03 Helmut Pozimski <>
  5. moved the project over to python 3.x, older version are now deprecated
  6. 2016-12-03 Helmut Pozimski <>
  7. moved from the old embedded adafruit code to the current version of the
  8. Adafruit_LED_Backpack-module from pypi.
  9. 2015-08-02 Helmut Pozimski <>
  10. changed the init script to create a separate directory for the PID file
  11. create the PID file in the separate directory and rename it to
  12. changed the main configuration file to json format
  13. adjusted the whole codebase and style according to PEP8 and suggestions from pylint
  14. 2014-07-12 Helmut Pozimski <>
  15. converted tabs to spaces, pulled in changes to the daemon class from jwmud, fixed some errors reported by pycharm
  16. 2014-02-27 Helmut Pozimski <>
  17. Fix unneeded space in process name, only write time to display when the minute changes and not every second
  18. 2013-08-01 Helmut Pozimski <>
  19. performed some coding style adjustments
  20. 2013-08-01 Helmut Pozimski <>
  21. corrected duplicate misc-depends and added python-depends instead
  22. 2013-08-01 Helmut Pozimski <>
  23. changed debian/rules to remove the .egg-info file before building the package
  24. 2013-08-01 Helmut Pozimski <>
  25. properly read the default file to set the user argument in the init script
  26. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  27. am I drunk? Corrected path from stov to stdd in debian/rules
  28. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  29. this time really corrected python-pcrtl (with r) dependency
  30. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  31. corrected python-pctl dependency
  32. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  33. corrected the debian build scripts to be more lintian clean
  34. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  35. further improved the debian package build scripts
  36. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  37. corrected debian build scripts, added
  38. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  39. changed build scripts to create an unprivileged user and install the init script
  40. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  41. added minimal debian build scripts
  42. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  43. added version option to the man page
  44. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  45. add version option to the option parser
  46. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  47. updated README and INSTALL
  48. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  49. finished the man page
  50. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  51. added a minimal man page, content still missing
  52. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  53. updated TODO
  54. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  55. added a to install stdd with the distutils method and renamed the sample.conf to the final name
  56. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  57. updated TODO and Changelog
  58. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  59. converted datetime object to string
  60. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  61. added some more logging output
  62. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  63. tried to throw an exception if the display is not available
  64. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  65. changed the code to also terminate the process if it is not run as daemon
  66. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  67. changed formatter to include the PID
  68. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  69. added some more info messages, imporved logging
  70. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  71. corrected the format string for logger
  72. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  73. explicitly import logging.handlers to be able to use SysLogHandler
  74. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  75. corrected a small typo calling the logger object
  76. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  77. implemented minimal logging to syslog and console
  78. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  79. correctly import os, I really should have done that in the first place
  80. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  81. implemented signal handling
  82. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  83. updated TODO and generated Changelog from bzr
  84. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  85. yet another round of cosmetical changes to the init script
  86. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  87. another round of cosmetical changes to the init script
  88. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  89. corrected the start method in the init script
  90. 2013-07-28 Helmut Pozimski <>
  91. added a simple init script for sysvinit
  92. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  93. corrected two small typos
  94. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  95. set high or low brightness when the configured minute is reached
  96. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  97. only call once per cycle to safe some processing time
  98. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  99. and corrected the reversed order for the values
  100. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  101. change blink_colon to bolean value as it was intended
  102. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  103. added configurable blinking of the middle colon
  104. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  105. comparing time doesn't work between 2 days so just check if the conditions for high state are met and fall back to log otherwise
  106. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  107. added rules for setting both high and low states
  108. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  109. correctly create time object in the configuration
  110. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  111. changed the time comparison so it hopefully makes sense now
  112. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  113. fixed a line break
  114. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  115. added code to change the brightness according to time of day
  116. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  117. corrected a comment in the configuration
  118. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  119. only got int with base 16 without hex conversion, seems to work
  120. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  121. also didn't work, another try, first go int with base16, then go to hex
  122. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  123. the change intended with the last commit didn't work out, try hex, it might work better
  124. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  125. also cast an integer for the hardware address
  126. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  127. corrected yet another variable name (I really need to remember them
  128. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  129. again explicitly cast integers for time values
  130. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  131. explicitly cast integers for time values
  132. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  133. corrected another type
  134. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  135. fixed a variable name
  136. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  137. prepared further configuration changes
  138. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  139. correctly use the stripped variable
  140. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  141. changed configuration to filter empty lines to avoid IndexErrors
  142. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  143. correct function call, configuration file path is given to the Read function, not the constructor
  144. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  145. corrected the function name when calling Conf in
  146. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  147. corrected another small typo when calling the configuration module
  148. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  149. corrected a typo when calling the main loop
  150. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  151. added example configuration file
  152. 2013-07-04 Helmut Pozimski <>
  153. added configuration module for reading the configuration
  154. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  155. small error, big impact, finally use the group name to determine the group id and not the user name
  156. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  157. explicitely casted integers for uid and gid
  158. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  159. fixed determination of user and group id
  160. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  161. corrected a name error, Node vs. None ;)
  162. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  163. corrected OptionParser import
  164. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  165. implemented option parsing and differentiate between daemon and script mode, drop privileges if requested
  166. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  167. added spaces into cmdline, removed debug code
  168. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  169. added temporary debug code for the cmdline parameter§
  170. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  171. added code to determine the cmdline to set it properly
  172. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  173. add second parameter for the SetName function
  174. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  175. corrected yet another stupid name error
  176. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  177. corrected another stupid name error
  178. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  179. also corrected the call to the daemon class
  180. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  181. corrected the stddlib import
  182. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  183. imported the daemon class and used it to start stdd as a daemon
  184. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  185. corrected the previous commit
  186. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  187. added a wrapper function for setBrightness to the SevenSegment class so it can be directly called from the display object
  188. 2013-06-30 Helmut Pozimski <>
  189. filled the README file with some content
  190. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  191. updated TODO
  192. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  193. reduced the sleep to half a second to get a faster response on the display
  194. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  195. reverted the digits back to integers before writing them to the display
  196. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  197. corrected a typo when calling the writeDigit function
  198. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  199. corrected the code to handle hours and minutes below 10 (hopefully) properly
  200. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  201. corrected an import error in main script and an error in
  202. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  203. added stdd as main script with a bit of test code
  204. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  205. adjusted coding style for the adafruit libraries
  206. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  207. added licensing information to files originating from Adafruit, removed shebang lines
  208. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  209. pulled in the necessary python code from adafruit and my own daemon module
  210. 2013-06-29 Helmut Pozimski <>
  211. initial commit