소스 검색

Use maxvideos parameter to limit the number of videos retrieved from youtube API for each subscription

Helmut Pozimski 11 년 전
4개의 변경된 파일13개의 추가작업 그리고 8개의 파일을 삭제
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@@ -30,17 +30,20 @@ YOUTUBE-DL: Path to the youtube-dl binary if not found automatically
 DOWNLOADDIR: Path the downloaded videos are saved into
 DATABASE: File name to use for the database
 SMTPPORT: Port used to connect to the mail server
-MAXVIDEOS: Maximum number of videos to download (not used at the moment)
+MAXVIDEOS: Maximum number of videos to retrieve from the youtube API for each subscription,
+	default 25, maximum 50, reduce this parameter for better parsing performance
 NOTIFY: Define if you want to be notified via email about new episodes of your subscriptions,
 	valid values: yes or no
 DB_VERSION: Database version (Do not change!)
 CONFIG_VERSION: Configuration version (Do not change!)
 VIDEOCODEC: Video codec used for downloaded videos (valid values: h264, webm or flv)
-MAXRESOLUTION: Maximum resolution to use for downloaded videos, please note that not all codecs and resolutions might be available so a lower resolution or other codec might be used in these cases
+MAXRESOLUTION: Maximum resolution to use for downloaded videos, please note
+	that not all codecs and resolutions might be available so a lower resolution
+	or other codec might be used in these cases
-In some situations, adding a channel with a search parameter or a playlist will lead to two subscriptions being created
+Currently none, contact me if you find some.

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@@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ Long term goals:
 * Add full german translation
 * Add interactive configuration option
 * Add additional video sites
-* Implement maxvids option
 * Improve handling of situations where a video is permanently unavailable

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@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class conf(object):
 		self.values = {
 				"database": "stov.sqlite",
 				"downloaddir": str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/stov",
-				"maxvideos": "15",
+				"maxvideos": "25",
 				"mailhost": "localhost",
 				"mailto": "root",
 				"mailfrom": "stov@localhost",

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@@ -222,16 +222,19 @@ class sub(object):
 		"""Constructs the API URL which is used to retrieve API data"""
 		if self.__type == "channel":
 			self.__APIURL = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/"\
-			+ urllib2.quote(self.__name) + "/uploads/" + "?v=2"
+			+ urllib2.quote(self.__name) + "/uploads/" + "?v=2"\
+			+ "&max-results=%s" % self.__conf.values["maxvideos"]
 			if self.__search != "":
 				self.__APIURL = self.__APIURL + "&q=" + "%22"\
 				+ urllib2.quote(self.__search) + "%22"
 		elif self.__type == "search":
 			self.__APIURL = "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q="\
-			+ urllib2.quote(self.__search) + "&max-results=10" + "&v=2"
+			+ urllib2.quote(self.__search) + "&v=2"\
+			+ "&max-results=%s" % self.__conf.values["maxvideos"]
 		elif self.__type == "playlist":
 			self.__APIURL = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/"\
-			+ "%20" + urllib2.quote(self.__name) + "%20" + "?v=2"
+			+ "%20" + urllib2.quote(self.__name) + "%20" + "?v=2"\
+			+ "&max-results=%s" % self.__conf.values["maxvideos"]
 			printf(_("None or invalid subscription type given, "
 						"please check the type option and try again"),