# This file is part of stov, written by Helmut Pozimski 2012-2014. # # stov is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License. # # stov is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with stov. If not, see . # -*- coding: utf8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import subprocess import sys from lib_stov import stov_exceptions class conf(object): def __init__(self): """Constructor Constructs the conf object with some reasonable default values which should work on most systems, existence of a local mail server is assumed. """ self.values = { "database": "stov.sqlite", "downloaddir": str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/stov", "maxvideos": "25", "mailhost": "localhost", "mailto": "root", "mailfrom": "stov@localhost", "smtpport": "25", "auth_needed": "no", "user_name": "", "password": "", "youtube-dl": "", "notify": "yes", "config_version": "7", "db_version": "3", "videocodec": "h264", "maxresolution": "1080p", "maxfails": "50", "check_title": "no" } self.__explanations = { "database": _("the name of your database file"), "downloaddir": _("the directory where downloaded videos are " "saved"), "maxvideos": _("the maximum number of videos to retrieve for each " "subscription"), "mailhost": _("the host of your mail server"), "mailto": _("the address used for notifications"), "mailfrom": _("the sender address of notification e-mails"), "smtpport": _("the port to use on your mail server"), "auth_needed": _("if your mail server requires authentication"), "user_name": _("the user name used to authenticate to your mail " "server"), "password": _("the password used to authenticate to your mail " "server"), "youtube-dl": _("the path to your youtube-dl installation"), "notify": _("if you want to be notified via e-mail about new " "videos"), "videocodec": _("which video codec you prefer (h264, webm or " "flv)"), "maxresolution": _("which resolution you prefer (360p, 480p, 720p " "or 1080p)"), "check_title": _("if you want to compare the title of a video " "with the subscription search string") } self.dbpath = str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/.stov/" + \ self.values["database"] self.outputlevel = "default" def WriteConfig(self): """Writes the configuration from the dictionary into the configuration file for stov. The configuration is written into the home directory of the user by default. """ try: configfile = open(str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/.stov/stov.config", "w") except IOError: raise stov_exceptions.ConfigFileWriteErrorException() else: for key, value in self.values.items(): configfile.write(key.upper() + "=" + self.values[key] + "\n") configfile.close() def Initialize(self): """Creates the necessary directory for the stov configuration and calls the internal methods to create the database and the configuration file. """ try: os.mkdir(str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/.stov", 0o750) except os.error: raise stov_exceptions.DirectoryCreationFailedException() else: process = subprocess.Popen(["which", "youtube-dl"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self.values["youtube-dl"] = process.communicate()[0].strip() self.WriteConfig() def ReadConfig(self): """Reads the existing configuration file and places the values in the dictionary. Existing values (such as default values) are overwritten. """ try: configfile = open(str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/.stov/stov.config", "r") except IOError: raise stov_exceptions.ConfigFileReadErrorException() for lines in configfile: tmpline = lines.strip() tmplist = tmpline.split("=") self.values[tmplist[0].lower()] = tmplist[1] configfile.close() self.dbpath = str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/.stov/" + \ self.values["database"] def CheckConfig(self): """Checks if the configuration is up-to-date with the running stov version. """ try: currentversion = int(self.values["config_version"]) except ValueError: raise stov_exceptions.InvalidConfigurationVersionException() self.values["config_version"] = "0" self.ReadConfig() if self.values["config_version"] == "0" \ or int(self.values["config_version"]) < currentversion: self.values["config_version"] = str(currentversion) return False else: self.values["config_version"] = str(currentversion) return True def UpdateConfig(self): """Update the configuration to the latest version""" versionbuffer = self.values["config_version"] self.ReadConfig() self.values["config_version"] = versionbuffer self.WriteConfig() def CheckDB(self): """Checks the database if it is up-to-date""" currentdbversion = int(self.values["db_version"]) self.values["db_version"] = "0" self.ReadConfig() if self.values["db_version"] == "0" or \ int(self.values["db_version"]) <\ int(currentdbversion): self.values["db_version"] = str(currentdbversion) return False else: self.values["db_version"] = str(currentdbversion) return True def GetYoutubeParameter(self): """Determines which itag value results from codec and resolution settings and returns it """ itag_value = 0 if self.values["videocodec"] == "flv": if self.values["maxresolution"] == "240p": itag_value = 5 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "270p": itag_value = 6 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "360p": itag_value = 34 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "480p": itag_value = 35 elif self.values["videocodec"] == "webm": if self.values["maxresolution"] == "360p": itag_value = 43 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "480p": itag_value = 44 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "720p": itag_value = 45 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "1080p": itag_value = 46 elif self.values["videocodec"] == "h264": if self.values["maxresolution"] == "360p": itag_value = 18 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "720p": itag_value = 22 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "1080p": itag_value = 37 elif self.values["maxresolution"] == "3072p": itag_value = 38 return itag_value def assist(self): """ Ask the user to set all required configuration parameters """ print(_("This assistant will help you to perform the initial " "configuration of stov. \nThe default value will be " "displayed in brackets.\n" "Please specify now :\n")) for value in self.__explanations: print(self.__explanations[value] + " [" + self.values[value] + "]:" + " ") if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): user_input = input() else: user_input = raw_input() if user_input != "": self.values[value] = user_input self.dbpath = str(os.environ['HOME']) + "/.stov/" + \ self.values["database"]