commandline.rst 1.6 KB

  1. ====================
  3. ====================
  5. --------------------
  6. -a, --add add a new subscription (requires either --search, --channel or --playlist)
  7. -p playlist-id, --playlist=playlist-id add a new playlist subscription (requires --add)
  8. --channel=channel specify a channel for a new subscription (requires --add)
  9. -s search-parameter, --search=search-parameter optionally add a search string to a new channel subscription or create a new search subscription (requires --add)
  10. --lssubs list the currently available subscriptions
  11. --lsvids=subscription-id print all videos from a subscription
  12. -u, --update {sub_id} updates the information about the available videos
  13. -d, --download {sub_id} download all available videos which haven't already been downloaded
  14. --catchup=subscription-id mark all videos from one channel as read (requires subscription-id as argument)
  15. -r subscription-id, --remove=subscription-id remove a subscription
  16. -c, --clean-database clean the database of entries no longer listed in the current API response
  17. -e, --enable enables the subscription with the provided ID
  18. --disable disables the subscription with the provided ID
  19. -l, --license show the license of the program
  20. --version show the currently running version number
  21. -q, --quiet suppress all output
  22. -v, --verbose be verbose and print also diagnostical messages
  23. --disable DISABLEID deaktiviert das Abonnement mit der angegebenen ID
  24. -s SITE, --site SITE specify the site to work with (for --add)
  25. --lssites list the supported sites
  26. -h, --help show the help message and exit